
Terry I answered you but it looks like it didn't arrive. Did you get it? My computer's been crashing a lot.

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Hi Terry, I do not believe Biden is in any more of a decline than Trump, who has made just as many if not more word salads and disconnected statements (his base doesn't care though, and the Dems don't focus on it enough). Many of us here believe Trump is not mentally sound, and an expert on our politics working now in the UK as it happens (sorry forgot his name) agreed with many historians here that the amount of lies spewed by Trump in that debate was truly stunning; he called it "Orwellian." Trump's niece Mary, a psychologist, thinks he's incredibly unbalanced and dangerous herself.

But yes many here do believe that most Americans, as I tried to communicate, don't see all that Biden has done for them, and see someone who looks old and stutters (which is part of the pausing you see so often.) Sadly everything solid that Biden said is not being repeated on social media or any media much; only the gaffes are, and that's the biggest problem. As I wrote, I still think Biden could do the job. But over the last few hours I've realized Biden may not be able to win due to how the news is covered. Also the Supreme Court and other judges appointed by Trump continue to make things easier for him concerning his criminal trials (the Supreme Court is extremely politicized now except for three judges). Anyway I've moved toward choosing someone new ONLY because many Americans haven't, as I said in the post, realized the full extent of what he's done for this country and for undoing the damage Trump did to many of our alliances with other countries. Some people I trust said today that they worry about how one of the great governors such as Gretchen Whitmer can prepare quickly enough for a campaign, and that most of them have never run the kind of campaign required. So it's risky both ways--sticking with Biden or possibly seeing chaos at the Democratic convention coming up. The expert now in the UK who was interviewed today said we have two terrible choices. He thinks the least terrible is the mess it could be if we start over with a new candidate. I think now he might be right, but only because of how the media covers these things and how many Americans just haven't been paying much attention until now. Still that man and many other commentators here do think Biden would continue to be a good president even though he may not debate well any longer. Biden spoke strongly and clearly at that rally the next day, and I believe that he's spoken quite well in several meetings around the world recently. I also believe that from behind his desk he does great things for this country and for the world. But it's becoming clear he may not be electable anyway. I have indeed come around to being able to say I will support whoever they choose if he doesn't run, but no one can stop him but himself, his wife Jill, or maybe his sister. What MUST happen, no matter what, is that Trump be kept far from the White House. As it is, no matter who runs against him, he will not accpet the outcome unless he wins. If he loses he'll cry voter fraud, etc. and likely bring out violent groups like the Proud Boys. (He got away with it once so why not?) So it's going to be awful unless it's a total landslide--but even then he will fight it to the end. He's truly power mad, NOT a patriot at all, and only and always out for No. 1.

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Susan, I have to admire your passion and loyalty, and I agree with you that even a younger person would have found a week of unrelenting practice exhausting. But unless we in the UK, and Australia, have been presented with highly cherry-picked news, President Biden has seemed to be in decline for a while, not just on one night. Wouldn't it be better, from your point of view, for someone else to step in? Obviously, I'm not American, so if I am speaking out of my backside, or out of turn, please accept my apology.

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